Convert 0.42 Acres to Square Feet
How big is 0.42 acres? What is 0.42 acres in square feet? 0.42 acres to sq ft conversion.
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0.42 Acres =
18,295.2 Square Feet
exact result
Decimal places
Result in Plain English
0.42 acres is equal to about 18.3 thousand square feet.
From a Percentage
42% of a acre ≈ 18,300 square feet.
In Scientific Notation
0.42 acres
= 4.2 x 10-1 acres
= 1.82952 x 104 square feet
An acre is a unit of area equal to 1/640th of a square mile. It is about the size of an American football field.Abbreviation: ac
Square Feet
A square foot is a unit of area. It is the size of a square that is one foot on a side. It is 144 square inches, 1/9th of a square yard, or approximately 0.093 square meters.
Common abbreviations: sq ft, sf, ft², ft^2