Mortgage Payment on a $170,000 House at 5%

What's the payment on a $170,000 house with a a 30-year loan mortgage at 5%? Calculate the monthly mortgage on a house, condo, or apartment which costs $170k.
Home price
Percent down
Interest rate
Loan term
After a 20% down payment, your loan amount will be $136,000. With a 30-year loan loan at 5% interest:
Monthly payment = $730
Total yearly payments = $8,761
Payments by Interest Rate
Interest Rate Payment
5.00 $730
5.25 $751
5.50 $772
5.75 $794
5.90 $807
5.95 $811
5.99 $815
Payments by Amount Down
% Down Amount Payment
3.5% $5,950 $881
5.0% $8,500 $867
7.5% $12,750 $844
10% $17,000 $821
15% $25,500 $776
20% $34,000 $730
25% $42,500 $684
30% $51,000 $639
50% $85,000 $456
Payments by Loan Length
Length Payment
10 years $1,442
15 years $1,075
20 years $898
30 years $730
40 years $656
Interest only $567
Mortgage Tips
1. Credit score matters
Get a free copy of your credit report to make sure there are no errors which might negatively affect your credit score.
2. Shop around
Make sure to get multiple mortgage quotes. Over 30 years, a difference of 0.25% in APR might end up being over $10,000 in extra payments!
3. Bigger down payments are better.
You can often qualify for a mortgage with as little as 3.5% down. But, unless your down payment is at least 20%, you will likely have to pay Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). This can add significant cost to the price of the mortgage.
Average House Prices by State
What is the average price for a house or condo in each state of the U.S.?
Source: Zillow, May 2023
State Rank Price
Alabama 43 $214,511
Alaska 22 $350,163
Arizona 15 $414,262
Arkansas 48 $186,209
California 2 $737,900
Colorado 5 $549,807
Connecticut 19 $373,376
Delaware 18 $375,412
Florida 17 $387,537
Georgia 27 $317,789
Hawaii 1 $834,499
Idaho 10 $448,156
Illinois 37 $247,384
Indiana 39 $233,236
Iowa 44 $209,313
Kansas 41 $222,328
Kentucky 46 $197,948
State Rank Price
Louisiana 47 $189,101
Maine 20 $373,241
Maryland 16 $399,914
Massachusetts 3 $580,061
Michigan 40 $230,929
Minnesota 25 $327,548
Mississippi 49 $169,389
Missouri 38 $238,445
Montana 9 $451,505
Nebraska 35 $253,511
Nevada 14 $415,689
New Hampshire 11 $448,034
New Jersey 8 $468,096
New Mexico 31 $288,227
New York 12 $436,745
North Carolina 26 $323,487
North Dakota 36 $248,793
State Rank Price
Ohio 42 $215,956
Oklahoma 45 $198,398
Oregon 7 $498,832
Pennsylvania 34 $254,722
Rhode Island 13 $427,881
South Carolina 32 $284,396
South Dakota 30 $292,777
Tennessee 28 $304,344
Texas 29 $302,333
Utah 6 $518,806
Vermont 23 $346,177
Virginia 21 $372,301
Washington 4 $579,575
West Virginia 50 $154,979
Wisconsin 33 $276,964
Wyoming 24 $333,052