Convert -25.7 Celsius to Fahrenheit

What is minus 25.699999999999999 Celsius in Fahrenheit? How cold is minus 25.699999999999999 degrees Celsius? 25.7° below zero from C to F.
swap units ↺
-25.7 °Celsius =
-14.26 °Fahrenheit
exact result


Celsius, or centigrade, is used to measure temperatures in most of the world. Water freezes at 0° Celsius and boils at 100° Celsius.

Fahrenheit is a scale commonly used to measure temperatures in the United States.

Inverse Conversion

Conversion Formula

°Fahrenheit =  9  * °Celsius + 32
Selected Cities by Record Low Temperature
City °Celsius °Fahrenheit
Yakutsk, Russia -64.4 -84
Anchorage -38.9 -38
Minneapolis -36.7 -34
Toronto -32.8 -27
Denver -31.7 -25
Chicago -31.7 -25
New York City -26.1 -15
Berlin -26.0 -15
Paris -23.9 -11
Atlanta -22.2 -8
Dallas -19.4 -3
London -17.4 1
Seattle -17.8 0
Rome -11.0 12
San Francisco -2.8 27
Los Angeles -2.8 27
Miami -2.2 28
Honolulu 10.0 50
Nearby Values
°Celsius °Fahrenheit
-25.70 -14.260
-25.69 -14.242
-25.68 -14.224
-25.67 -14.206
-25.66 -14.188
-25.65 -14.170
-25.64 -14.152
-25.63 -14.134
-25.62 -14.116
-25.61 -14.098
-25.60 -14.080
-25.59 -14.062
-25.58 -14.044
-25.57 -14.026
-25.56 -14.008
-25.55 -13.990
-25.54 -13.972
-25.53 -13.954
-25.52 -13.936
-25.51 -13.918
-25.50 -13.900
-25.49 -13.882
-25.48 -13.864
-25.47 -13.846
-25.46 -13.828
-25.45 -13.810
-25.44 -13.792
-25.43 -13.774
-25.42 -13.756
-25.41 -13.738
-25.40 -13.720
-25.39 -13.702
-25.38 -13.684
-25.37 -13.666
°Celsius °Fahrenheit
-25.36 -13.648
-25.35 -13.630
-25.34 -13.612
-25.33 -13.594
-25.32 -13.576
-25.31 -13.558
-25.30 -13.540
-25.29 -13.522
-25.28 -13.504
-25.27 -13.486
-25.26 -13.468
-25.25 -13.450
-25.24 -13.432
-25.23 -13.414
-25.22 -13.396
-25.21 -13.378
-25.20 -13.360
-25.19 -13.342
-25.18 -13.324
-25.17 -13.306
-25.16 -13.288
-25.15 -13.270
-25.14 -13.252
-25.13 -13.234
-25.12 -13.216
-25.11 -13.198
-25.10 -13.180
-25.09 -13.162
-25.08 -13.144
-25.07 -13.126
-25.06 -13.108
-25.05 -13.090
-25.04 -13.072
-25.03 -13.054
°Celsius °Fahrenheit
-25.02 -13.036
-25.01 -13.018
-25.00 -13.000
-24.99 -12.982
-24.98 -12.964
-24.97 -12.946
-24.96 -12.928
-24.95 -12.910
-24.94 -12.892
-24.93 -12.874
-24.92 -12.856
-24.91 -12.838
-24.90 -12.820
-24.89 -12.802
-24.88 -12.784
-24.87 -12.766
-24.86 -12.748
-24.85 -12.730
-24.84 -12.712
-24.83 -12.694
-24.82 -12.676
-24.81 -12.658
-24.80 -12.640
-24.79 -12.622
-24.78 -12.604
-24.77 -12.586
-24.76 -12.568
-24.75 -12.550
-24.74 -12.532
-24.73 -12.514
-24.72 -12.496
-24.71 -12.478