Convert 20.5 Fahrenheit to Celsius

What is 20.5 Fahrenheit in Celsius? How cold is 20.5 degrees Fahrenheit? Translate 20.5° from F to C.
swap units ↺
20.5 °Fahrenheit =
-6.39 °Celsius
result rounded


Fahrenheit is a scale commonly used to measure temperatures in the United States.

Celsius, or centigrade, is used to measure temperatures in most of the world. Water freezes at 0° Celsius and boils at 100° Celsius.

Inverse Conversion

Conversion Formula

°Celsius =  5  * (°Fahrenheit - 32)
Selected Cities by Record Low Temperature
City °Celsius °Fahrenheit
Yakutsk, Russia -64.4 -84
Anchorage -38.9 -38
Minneapolis -36.7 -34
Toronto -32.8 -27
Denver -31.7 -25
Chicago -31.7 -25
New York City -26.1 -15
Berlin -26.0 -15
Paris -23.9 -11
Atlanta -22.2 -8
Dallas -19.4 -3
London -17.4 1
Seattle -17.8 0
Rome -11.0 12
San Francisco -2.8 27
Los Angeles -2.8 27
Miami -2.2 28
Honolulu 10.0 50
Nearby Values
(results may be rounded)
°Fahrenheit °Celsius
20.50 -6.389
20.51 -6.383
20.52 -6.378
20.53 -6.372
20.54 -6.367
20.55 -6.361
20.56 -6.356
20.57 -6.350
20.58 -6.344
20.59 -6.339
20.60 -6.333
20.61 -6.328
20.62 -6.322
20.63 -6.317
20.64 -6.311
20.65 -6.306
20.66 -6.300
20.67 -6.294
20.68 -6.289
20.69 -6.283
20.70 -6.278
20.71 -6.272
20.72 -6.267
20.73 -6.261
20.74 -6.256
20.75 -6.250
20.76 -6.244
20.77 -6.239
20.78 -6.233
20.79 -6.228
20.80 -6.222
20.81 -6.217
20.82 -6.211
20.83 -6.206
°Fahrenheit °Celsius
20.84 -6.200
20.85 -6.194
20.86 -6.189
20.87 -6.183
20.88 -6.178
20.89 -6.172
20.90 -6.167
20.91 -6.161
20.92 -6.156
20.93 -6.150
20.94 -6.144
20.95 -6.139
20.96 -6.133
20.97 -6.128
20.98 -6.122
20.99 -6.117
21.00 -6.111
21.01 -6.106
21.02 -6.100
21.03 -6.094
21.04 -6.089
21.05 -6.083
21.06 -6.078
21.07 -6.072
21.08 -6.067
21.09 -6.061
21.10 -6.056
21.11 -6.050
21.12 -6.044
21.13 -6.039
21.14 -6.033
21.15 -6.028
21.16 -6.022
21.17 -6.017
°Fahrenheit °Celsius
21.18 -6.011
21.19 -6.006
21.20 -6.000
21.21 -5.994
21.22 -5.989
21.23 -5.983
21.24 -5.978
21.25 -5.972
21.26 -5.967
21.27 -5.961
21.28 -5.956
21.29 -5.950
21.30 -5.944
21.31 -5.939
21.32 -5.933
21.33 -5.928
21.34 -5.922
21.35 -5.917
21.36 -5.911
21.37 -5.906
21.38 -5.900
21.39 -5.894
21.40 -5.889
21.41 -5.883
21.42 -5.878
21.43 -5.872
21.44 -5.867
21.45 -5.861
21.46 -5.856
21.47 -5.850
21.48 -5.844
21.49 -5.839