18% Tip on $149

What's a 18% tip on $149? How much is a 18% tip on 149 dollars? This calculator will quickly calculate the tip and total amount. If necessary, it can also split the bill between several people.
Split check?
Subtotal 149.00
+ 18% Tip 26.82
= Total 175.82
United States Tipping Guide
Restaurants 15% is considered a standard tip for restaurants in North America, although some people leave 20%.
Buffet 5–10% depending on the level of service.
Taxis For cab rides in the United States, a tip of $2–$5 is considered normal. Don't be coerced by credit card machines that default to 20%.
Uber/Lyft It is not expected to tip rideshare drivers, but it is possible to tip using the app, and your driver will appreciate it.
Hotel maid $1–$2 per guest per night.
Hair stylist 15–20%.
Takeout Not expected, but you might want to leave a couple dollars if they have your food ready on time or you had special requests.
Delivery 10% with a minimum of $3. More if they had to travel a long way.
Barista $1 for an espresso drink such as a latte. Tips are generally not expected for drip coffee.
Is Tipping a Good Thing?
We'd probably be much better off if tipping never got started. Studies have shown that tipping doesn't reflect the quality of service.
Furthermore, customers may face discrimination if they are part of a cultural group that tends to tip less. And, of course, tipping is incredibly awkward. Other countries, such as Japan and France, generally don't tip and it works well for them.
That said, tipping is often necessary because some tipped employees are paid less than minimum wage. Scroll down to see the average wages of waiters in your state.
18% Tip by Amount
Amount Tip
149.00 26.82
149.01 26.82
149.02 26.82
149.03 26.83
149.04 26.83
149.05 26.83
149.06 26.83
149.07 26.83
149.08 26.83
149.09 26.84
149.10 26.84
149.11 26.84
149.12 26.84
149.13 26.84
149.14 26.85
149.15 26.85
149.16 26.85
149.17 26.85
149.18 26.85
149.19 26.85
149.20 26.86
149.21 26.86
149.22 26.86
149.23 26.86
149.24 26.86
149.25 26.87
149.26 26.87
149.27 26.87
149.28 26.87
149.29 26.87
149.30 26.87
149.31 26.88
149.32 26.88
149.33 26.88
Amount Tip
149.34 26.88
149.35 26.88
149.36 26.88
149.37 26.89
149.38 26.89
149.39 26.89
149.40 26.89
149.41 26.89
149.42 26.90
149.43 26.90
149.44 26.90
149.45 26.90
149.46 26.90
149.47 26.90
149.48 26.91
149.49 26.91
149.50 26.91
149.51 26.91
149.52 26.91
149.53 26.92
149.54 26.92
149.55 26.92
149.56 26.92
149.57 26.92
149.58 26.92
149.59 26.93
149.60 26.93
149.61 26.93
149.62 26.93
149.63 26.93
149.64 26.94
149.65 26.94
149.66 26.94
149.67 26.94
Amount Tip
149.68 26.94
149.69 26.94
149.70 26.95
149.71 26.95
149.72 26.95
149.73 26.95
149.74 26.95
149.75 26.96
149.76 26.96
149.77 26.96
149.78 26.96
149.79 26.96
149.80 26.96
149.81 26.97
149.82 26.97
149.83 26.97
149.84 26.97
149.85 26.97
149.86 26.97
149.87 26.98
149.88 26.98
149.89 26.98
149.90 26.98
149.91 26.98
149.92 26.99
149.93 26.99
149.94 26.99
149.95 26.99
149.96 26.99
149.97 26.99
149.98 27.00
149.99 27.00
How Much do Waiters Make?
This table shows how much servers make per hour, including reported tips, by state and percentile. BLS, May 2022
State 10th Median 90th
Alabama 8.31 9.57 16.05
Alaska 10.51 11.34 23.11
Arizona 13.19 18.52 34.45
Arkansas 11.00 11.67 18.26
California 14.23 15.34 26.20
Colorado 12.70 14.20 33.54
Connecticut 13.34 16.52 29.14
Delaware 10.50 13.28 22.81
Florida 10.15 13.79 27.91
Georgia 8.12 10.74 22.96
Hawaii 10.12 11.04 33.92
Idaho 8.55 13.55 23.17
Illinois 12.00 13.08 22.27
Indiana 8.29 10.97 20.48
Iowa 8.43 10.49 21.54
Kansas 8.59 13.10 22.75
Kentucky 8.00 10.13 22.35
Louisiana 8.02 9.96 18.16
Maine 13.35 17.20 31.43
Maryland 12.50 14.09 27.87
Massachusetts 14.67 16.55 29.12
Michigan 10.54 14.90 27.75
Minnesota 10.44 11.20 16.65
Mississippi 7.42 8.79 15.37
Missouri 11.15 13.56 23.07
State 10th Median 90th
Montana 9.20 9.84 13.23
Nebraska 9.71 10.82 23.98
Nevada 9.14 10.53 16.16
New Hampshire 9.45 14.23 28.41
New Jersey 13.23 17.39 34.29
New Mexico 11.50 13.50 23.05
New York 13.65 17.77 38.79
North Carolina 8.04 10.15 23.35
North Dakota 8.51 13.07 27.93
Ohio 9.87 11.25 22.48
Oklahoma 7.82 9.82 16.92
Oregon 13.09 14.32 26.34
Pennsylvania 8.35 13.67 22.59
Rhode Island 12.52 13.26 27.81
South Carolina 8.20 9.16 15.93
South Dakota 10.99 13.00 16.04
Tennessee 8.38 9.78 20.22
Texas 8.16 10.38 18.94
Utah 9.40 14.43 28.54
Vermont 13.01 16.94 36.34
Virginia 11.00 14.08 26.19
Washington 14.49 17.48 38.82
West Virginia 8.75 12.91 22.47
Wisconsin 8.30 14.07 23.02
Wyoming 8.36 10.97 30.46