Convert 10 Cubic Yards to Cubic Feet
How big is 10 cubic yards? How many cubic feet are in 10 cubic yards? 10 cu yds to cu ft conversion.
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10 Cubic Yards =
270 Cubic Feet
exact result
Decimal places
Result in Plain English
10 cubic yards is equal to exactly 270 cubic feet.
In Scientific Notation
10 cubic yards
= 1 x 101 cubic yards
= 2.7 x 102 cubic feet
Cubic Yards
A cubic yard is a unit of volume. It is the size of a cube that is 1 yard on a side. It is about 202 gallons or about 765 liters.Common abbreviations: cu yd, yd³, yd^3
Cubic Feet
A cubic foot is a unit of volume. It is the size of a cube that is 1 foot on a side. It is about 7.5 gallons or about 28.3 liters.Common abbreviations: cu ft, ft³, ft^3