Convert 18 Milliliters to Cups
How big is 18 milliliters? How many cups are in 18 milliliters? 18 mL to cups conversion.
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18 Milliliters ≈
0.076081551 U.S. Cups
result rounded
Decimal places
Result in Plain English
18 milliliters is equal to about 0.0761 cups.
To a Percentage
18 milliliters ≈ 7.61% of a cup.
In Scientific Notation
18 milliliters
= 1.8 x 101 milliliters
≈ 7.60816 x 10-2 cups
A milliliter is a unit of volume equal to 1/1000th of a liter. It is the same as a cubic centimeter.Abbreviation: mL
A U.S. cup is a unit of volume equal to 1/16th of a U.S. gallon, or about 236 milliliters.